4 Common Furnace Problems to Watch For

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If you’ve owned your home for some time, you’re familiar with the noises and odors your furnace makes. Anything out of the ordinary indicates something is wrong, and your family could be left in the cold.


Understanding common furnace problems will help you know when to call for a furnace repair and hopefully prevent needing a furnace replacement.


Common Furnace Problems Necessitating Repairs


Many common furnace problems are inexpensive to resolve and can be done quickly. However, sometimes, you’ll need professional help from a reliable furnace repair company.


1. Malfunctioning Thermostat


One of the most common furnace problems is a thermostat that acts up. Sometimes, it doesn’t work because it’s too dirty. Dust and debris are problems for any electrical and mechanical component, and thermostats are no different.


You can turn off the power source and remove the cover. Use a can of compressed air or a small brush to eliminate any dirt. After it’s clean, replace the cover and turn the power back on.


2. Blowing Cold Air


A furnace can blow cold air for numerous reasons. The first thing to check is your thermostat. Check that it is not in the “off” position. The best setting is “Auto” to ensure your furnace blows only heated air.


If your thermostat is already on “Auto,” your air filters could be dirty or clogged. When there isn’t enough airflow, the furnace overheats and has a safety feature that forces it to shut down when this happens.


Changing the air filter can resolve this problem, and it’s simple enough to do yourself. If you schedule routine furnace maintenance appointments, your technician will change your air filters as a part of this service.


3. Loose or Worn Belts


If you hear a high-pitched squeal or whine, you may have a blower belt problem. The blower belt is part of the motor that helps your furnace’s fan operate. Unfortunately, these parts become loose, frayed, or worn and require replacement.


Although it seems like an extensive issue, it’s relatively simple compared to other furnace problems. It’s also another issue that can be detected before winter by scheduling a routine furnace tune-up. You’ll know your heating system is in peak condition and minimize the risk of having downtime and costly repairs.


4. Furnace Won’t Ignite


If your furnace is set up correctly and has adequate power, it should turn on as soon as the indoor temperature dips below your desired setting. However, your home will get colder if the furnace doesn’t automatically turn on. Your furnace may not turn on for the following reasons:


  • Damaged ignitor component
  • Incorrect ignitor installed
  • The pilot light went out
  • Dirty ignition
  • Cracked hot surface ignitor element
  • Broken limit switch


Some furnace problems, like cleaning a dirty ignition, require a trained HVAC professional to repair them.

Ensure Your Furnace Continues Running Well


Some furnace problems are unavoidable because normal wear and tear cannot be prevented. However, scheduling routine furnace maintenance with a reputable HVAC company can save you from the frustration of minor or major issues.


Contact us today and let Complete Climate Services schedule your furnace tune-up. We’ll help manage your system so you can have trouble-free heating.


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